Hallo, Γεια σας, Hello, Bonjour, Bună ziua, Hallo, Sveiki, Ciao, Здравейте!
The rest of the survey will be in English! If you have any problems with speaking English, please contact lou.grimal@h-da.de. We will find a solution so that you can still participate.
You are in the process of finalising your application to join the European Sustainability Science Laboratory (ESSLab+). As your answers will be linked to your membership document, this survey is NOT anonymous. This survey is compulsory for anyone wishing to become a member of the Laboratory. I encourage you to take it seriously as we will use the answers to describe our community and understand how it is developing.
Non-anonymised data will only be accessible to the laboratory coordinator, lou.grimal@h-da.de. Responses will be anonymised and made available to the laboratory's EUt+ community. Anonymous responses may also be used to produce a summary of the laboratory's activities or for research purposes.
A first version of the questionnaire has been tested in Troyes in July 2023. Thank you to the respondents of this pilot study who enable us to have a great application survey today.
It takes less than 10 minutes to answer the questionnaire. However, one of the answers to the questionnaire requires knowledge of the categories of sustainability science laboratories. If you are not familiar with this typology, it is important that you look at it so that you can answer with all the elements in mind. This may take you another ten minutes or so. The paper is available here: McCrory et al, 2022.
The survey is composed of 3 sections:
- General information
- Vision of sustainability science and reflexivity of researchers
- Statements to which you have to say if you agree / disagree
The scope and the perspective of our research group are described on esleut.pubpub.org. We invite you to read the scope before finalizing your application.
There are 17 questions in this survey.